4 thoughts on “Simple Postbit?”

  1. nexia dit :

    oh, sure we need… people want their site to be consistant even if they are ugly… rofl

  2. Drew dit :

    ok now that i am thinking about it some more do we really want/need the second postbit? because its gonna be a pain to keep it some what consistant with the normal templates (where as with the article/realeases temps they are so different it doesn’t matter).

  3. nexia dit :

    a block with on one side the username, date of post and clicking the username would redirect to the username… both postbits the same technique… we can add a hook like below username so people can display anything in them…

    anyway, i’ll see to that once i see what you’ve done so far, no need to be fancy with details, i’ll do it at least.. 🙂

  4. Drew dit :

    Oh ok anyway i still have the same test board if you want to see the detials

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