Ok well i was working on the big three basic addons for MTF and i though i should probab,y plan out the features. So here they are please tell me what i should add/take away.
– First Post on All Pages (A new MTF api takes care of that ;))
– Article Template
Link Directory
– New Postfield for Link
– A little different postbit template
– A little different threadbit template
– Not really sure?
Views: 69
Articles: postbit for replies become light for « comments »…
Link Directory: deactivate similar threads
– also change report post for report dead link, etc… i have a bunch of these edits in store
Albums: actually it’s an attachment album, not an album that is seperate… i have the engine, it add some fields but you already have the files… so you can take a look. these fields are related to the attachment.
What do you suggest for a comment postbit on the articles addon?
for articles, it’s simple postbit, with no quote, no user’s details… the focus have to be for the article, not the comments and the users posting them. same for some other addons… but we let the admin the choice to activate default postbit or minimalized one…
i’ll do that work anyway, it’s simply some template edits/dups
Oh ok so you are creating it or should I?
the articles engine would be cool, i mainly need to know how to code each module to work in the admincp AND the forum… remember i’m the worst coder of all, so i can not code it without solid examples… rofl
Ok, do you want the partial articles code? So you can get a feel for how MTF works, I tried to make everything pretty simple
pretty simple, not needed… if you doc everything that is complicated, it would help, otherway i can handle any complicated code… ;0)
Well the logic is simple but the code is just right i am kind of working on all the addons at once so once i get one complete i will upload it right away
no rush, i’m finishing iTrader today and open the site, so i’ll be bothered with tons of questions about the site for the next days.. lol
Ok have fun with that this site before it is « open » is already making a pretty big impact with just iTrader
nah, you have seen nothing yet… lol
i’ll have 100 new users per day in the next weeks… 😉
lol yeah this site will definitely create a buzz among vbulletin developers and users
Also what do you suggest for a postbit for links?
postbit for links can be the same as for the articles, as the only thing we will have a usage for is mostly to comment the link itself… the firstpost have to show the thumbnail of the link, meta data, and the description posted by the member…
btw, we could have a need for a thumbalizer-like engine, would be just great… don’t know if any exists, but grabbing the thumbnail of any website page would be so useful for vBulletin… merging it to any other product is great idea for teasing coders.
Just out of curiosity why meta data?
A thumbnail engine probably exists but to write our own would be complicated.
ok i did some reasearch and there is now way to do it in PHP without having it be extremely slow (and still require windows).
I also looked up services and most have a cost and we still probably get it working with vb
why meta datas?
– description
– title
– keywords
…. keywords get moved as tags, official description is usually better than any member’s description… and title because people get morons when describing a site title… if we have the official version, a moderator can easily switch them without having to visit all the sites.
but we need that process to be swift, no lag… you need vba_links engine to copy their way to do it?
No i can find my own way to do it thank you though
So would should the title (of the website) be merged with the users title or replace?
And same for the description?
stored in post fields…
i had an image late last night about this, and a « button » activating official meta-data instead of members entries would be cool… the admin can set it to yes/no and the engine automatically grab that information when the admin prefer these… so the user submiting a url would submit only the url, and if there is no meta-data, could submit their own text…
it’s a bit complicated for nothing, but the more gadgets we add, the more site owners are interested, i don’t know why… cultural.. lol
Yeah what i think i would do is use some of the field variables to fill the value of the title field with some thing like « Title Will Automatically Be Filled with Website Title » and then before saving it just replace the data.