3 thoughts on “Registration check for First/Last name as username”

  1. nexia dit :

    btw, i did not install it here for a demo, i do not want to constrain my users for username, but it was tested…

  2. m wdf dit :

    Thanks!!! I’ll get that installed now.

    My vBulletin.org account is messed up. I changed my email address to one that doesn’t match my vB license and it kinda blocked my entire account, PM’s, can’t reply to posts etc.

  3. nexia dit :

    no mess here.. 🙂

    another satisfied client!

    btw, this is a simple script, better not using the regex (regular expressions) inside the vBulletin process, as you would not have the right result. (check spaces is not easy!)

    also, the code is simple, anybody can add things to be checked!

    this one is

    !strpos($vbulletin->GPC[‘username’], ‘ ‘)

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