If you plan on calling for a task, job, contract, or anything to help you out on your forum, avoid these keywords:
help me please
good money
long term relationship
good deal
at all cost
big money
… these words will make you go into oblivion. we already know you need help or support, we want to know the details, not your feelings.
act like adults, and use a proper english/french language when posting… we may not need the exact configuration of your server, we do not need your passwords, but we need to know what’s going on, in a human language.
NEVER PAY UPFRONT… even if a coder have a good reputation, wait for a first draft to make a deposit… the coder work for you, not the opposite. we suggest a 20% upfront payment when the proof of potential is made. we do not control what is to be done and how it is paid, but as you use the Credits engine, be safe, it’s your cash. We can track each transaction, but we’re not lurking at them all day long.
Views: 12