Style Designer for parenting site.

a french-speaking parenting community is in need of a complete style for the forum and main site.

it’s a vBulletin forum, with a home-made portal and specific design for each sections of the site, like Articles, Discussions, Games, etc… so the variations on the main style have to be minimal.

here are some places to inspire yourself in the level of design we need:

BabyCenter | Homepage – Pregnancy, Baby, Toddler, Kids – The home of Parenting and Babytalk
Parents – Pregnancy, Babies, Baby Names, Pregnancy Calendar, Ovulation, Birth & More.
Pregnancy and Baby Club | Bounty
Magic Maman : Pour les femmes enceintes et les mères de famille. Suivi de grossesse jusqu’à la naissance de bébé, garde d’enfants, programmes scolaires, activités en famille, forum de discussion entre parents.

do not mimic these sites, i want that new site to have a better design than these 5…

my magic number for colors is 336699 if you go outside for the primary color, you will have to justify it.

we have a logo, typologo and tagline/slogan, do not bother with these, use anything to replace it.

the site is to be opened yesterday, you know what it means!

Views: 27

2 thoughts on “Style Designer for parenting site.”

  1. kevinl dit :

    You should make an inquiry here ForumSkin – High-end forum designs They do some great work!

    I’ve dealt with Nicholas in the past and I’m looking into getting something done now. Hands down some of the best work I have seen 🙂

  2. nexia dit :

    nah, i know about these guys, but i am not interested in third party vBulletin skins, they are all the same… or cost too much for the value.

    i actually got it done by myself, i just forgot to close the request… 😉

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