Signature Activation

By default: the forum deactivate the signature display when you have no signature created. if in the future you have a new signature, you will have to edit your posts by hand to re-activate that signature in your old posts.

This feature will automate this process by checking all your old posts and re-activating the signature display. the choice do the opposite too, because it’s a select that let you choose to alternately deactivate your siggy everywhere…

So when you edit your signature, you have a new choice:


And as you see in the screenshot, you have a new checkbox to enable/disable the display of signature when you edit/create a new message…

As usual, this product is without any template or file edit, so you just have to import the product, and that’s it!

note: if you have a major forum, like millions of posts, i suggest to avoid this hack, as it will lock the posts table when editing the signature field of each posts from a member… it may be long for a member with 10 000 posts!

Views: 17

2 thoughts on “Signature Activation”

  1. MsJac dit :

    Thank you for this! 😉


  2. KURTZ dit :

    yes, thanks Nexy! really useful 🙂

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