6 thoughts on “MTF Beta”

  1. nexia dit :

    you killed your site Drew…

  2. Drew dit :

    I killed my site?

  3. nexia dit :

    Ah, now it’s fixed… when i checked this at first, there was no connection with your server… 🙂

  4. nexia dit :

    ok, tell me if i’m wrong, but you did not really edit my stuff, you added a lot of things, but mainly my original lines are there… does that mean it was useful, or you just have put it there because it’s mine?

  5. Drew dit :

    I took away what was not needed or not do what it was suppose to. i left the lines that did what they were suppose to and wouldn’t be moved to the new OOP engine

  6. nexia dit :

    ok, we will see if it works, i install it on vbenhancer.com today, no need for a test site… if it explode, i will simply use the backup… lol

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