Well right now in MTF there are no template edits but I use str_replace on the vbulletin->templatecache variable. There have been no problems but i read this vBulletin.org Forum and it kind of made me think should we just have template edits?
Views: 80
sure, Andreas suggest to NOT do what he is doing… funny, do what i say, do not do what i do…
actually, editing the cached templates have nothing to do with what Andreas is bad at… you know more than everybody that cached data is more flexible than current stored data. also, Andreas say that because of his own Template Modification System – vBulletin.org Forum … i would prefer having my own version of this for our products btw… using the same structure as that TMS (which i have a dev key for anyway)… Andreas always tell that it’s bad to edit on the fly, he then suggest in pm to use his system to build auto-template edits… he have done it with all the addons that use his system now, like vbCredits… so you have to pay that damn 35 or 50$ to drop his copyright in the footer or in templates, as he spoil all your sites for one single template edit.
Yeah, i see your point…
I think what i will do is add a constant (define(‘x’, ‘asddas’)) that could turn off automatic edits and then we include instructions so the boards with extremely customized styles have an option
good… i was trying to do this with the new hacks i release…