Extra thread fields and quick reply?

Ok so i did all the extra thread fields stuff for new threads, and i am starting on replys and i’m wondering how should we do this? Should the extra fields be displayed with the quick reply area? Or should we add a new page which the user is brought to after submitting there reply?

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3 thoughts on “Extra thread fields and quick reply?”

  1. nexia dit :

    if you love to have trouble with quick-reply, i’m not against, but that’s usually the goal of quick-reply, having it minimal… we can add a « force full reply for this forum to avoid hacking quick-reply to hell! »… 🙂

  2. Drew dit :

    I think the best approach would be to add a second page or only have required fields show up under the message box?

  3. nexia dit :

    yeap, no second page… i hate to see people complain about « where are the extra fields » thing… and also, we couldeven have a complete different editpost/newpost template so they are easier to read and locate the fields… because right now, the actual templates are crap…

    usually, we have the main message box at the left and the questionaire at the right side of the page, or when in a single column, in a minimalist suite of fields, instead of a load of blocks like the actual crap…

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