inspired by my usage and coding of ico-content, i decided that ico was far from being useful because it was slow, retrieving content in a total anarchy, and was not really organic.
so once MTF is ready to roll, i’ll be coding a complete version of the new BOSS engine from Yahoo: Yahoo! Search BOSS – YDN
giving the ability to grab content and create virtual life on your forum, per-forum, per-keywords, per-quota, per-organic feeding… you can have information on how Answers content is available here: Yahoo! Answers – YDN …
when you use this system, your goals are:
1- fill my forum with related content
2- create a virtual life by having new members registering randomly and start posting
3- avoiding « Paid to Post » services which can be costly at the end, as they stop posting, and your forum looks lifeless
4- members can contribute to the discussions without nobody noticing the difference between members and virtual ones.
… this can even be used to fool a future buyer for your site, if you want to show it completely filled with numerous users. we’re not stupid, we’ve seen this a lot, so why hide. yes it work, and no we will not control you from doing that.
… some sites are using content to make some sort of Knowledge base on their forum, and it is a good way to have inspiration for content and group of discussions…
anyway, it’s a project planned for the end of spring.
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