WTH, no « branding free » option?

YEAP, you read properly… on vbEnhancer.com, we do not provide any « branding free options » on the releases made public.

… there is only one reason: we never apply any copyright display. You do not have to purchase an option to hide the license of these products, because you already pay for it…

Copyrights/licenses notes are usually used when you use a free version, because by doing so, you make some advertisement for the coder who did the job. If you pay for the product, you have done enough.

Any professional and « very professional » group will tell you; a well paid product means more than a line on the footer of a page. a well supported client will do more than a call-home hack…

Oh, but we have an option for you, a small addon… IF you really want to advertise our site because you like our products, you have the ability to add a little plugin that will display that copyright/license link in the footer of your site, and more, you will be able to have a affiliate link to it…

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