Ok, I have been trying to be extremely organized with products I’m associated with so I thought it would be good to make a features list with dates and completion status. Feel free to change things.
- MTF Master
- Extra Forum Fields
Completion status: 90%
- Extra Thread Fields
Completion status: 0%
- A Base, OOP, Engine that allows extending
Completion status: 10%
- Extra Forum Fields
- MTF Articles
- Threadbit template?
Completion status: 0%
- Postbit Template
Completion status: 0%
- Threadbit template?
- MTF Link Directory
- Threadbit template
Completion status: 0%
- Postbit Template
Completion status: 0%
- Threadbit template
- MTF Release Engine
- Licenses Area
Completion status: 0%
- Abiality to Purchase Threads Attachments using vBCredits?
Completion status: 0%
Completion status: 50%
- Threadbit template?
Completion status: 0%
- Postbit Template
Completion status: 0%
- Licenses Area
- MTF Generic Extension
- Threadbit template
Completion status: 0%
- Postbit Template
Completion status: 0%
- Threadbit template
Views: 35
would you like me to activate this: vBCredits.com – Project Tracker Directory ?!… i have it here, but did not activate it in any forum yet, so there is a good demo…
It might help us be more organized. So yeah I guess
as you can see, i’m testing the script right now…
bah, not that bad, but i hate some details… is Jelsoft’s script better for your needs ?
From what I’ve seen it looks fine, I personally hate Jelsofts.
ok, i tested an engine i own now, https://unpapapro.com/mgc_vbprojets.php … i think it fits more our needs, as it is more for Projects than Bugs… permissions are good, you can play with it!
Ok, that works.
Also I have the basic setup for a the threadbit templates to be replace so if you can start making the templates I can start making the classes for the different foumtypes.
sure we will…
i’m not very active by the week days, as i have 3 kids at home and no wife… i work by nights and week-ends for a period… i’m not online often…
Ok yeah I understand that. I’m online for a few ours during the week in the afternoon (EST timezone)
ok, i moved the Project manager here: Project Manager is HERE! as in the Forum description…
oh, and you’re not accessible from AIM, i suppose you are just refusing me.. lol