6 thoughts on “Hi Drew !”

  1. nexia dit :

    oh, btw, what is your real name, and why « larrysw » ??

  2. Drew dit :

    Ok this is a long story,

    My name is Drew. I oringinly started a forum with a friend whose name is larry s. w. He had signed up at vb.org and we shared the account. He left the forum but I kept using his username at vb.org. After this I started doing freelance coding work and instead of confusing my clients I just went as larry (At that point vb.org wouldn’t let me change my username). Finally vb.org let me change my username just a few months ago so I started having people call me by my real name.

    can you change my username?

  3. nexia dit :

    do you want me to rename you here?!.. i prefer using real nick names though, instead of trans-personification.. lol

  4. Drew dit :

    Yes can you change mine to Drew?

  5. nexia dit :

    ok, you will be logged-out maybe, i change it… 🙂

  6. nexia dit :

    ok, no more Larrysw… 🙂

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