2 thoughts on “remember iTrader”

  1. nexia dit :

    i just found this post in the similar threads of the release announcement… looks like my brain made some flames when i posted this, because i was sure Jason would not let me rework his engine, and now i’m in complete charge of it.. 🙂

    btw, good week!

  2. nexia dit :

    First Paid Addon request for iTrader… i offered to do it for 50$ and create the addon for iTrader 3.0 and sell it 50$ — with a lot of features around the request.

    client wrote:
    But we have people on our site who not only buy, sell or trade, but they do something called RAOK or Random Acts of Kindness. We also do a ‘pass the potato’ Where one person sends something to another, who sends it to the next in line…etc. We call those ‘Trains’

    What I really want is to have those addition two options added. So that when you use the itrader system, you can select not only buyer, seller or trade, but train and raok also.

    as shown here: https://unpapapro.com/itrader/some-future-features-explained-requested-generation/4732/

    it’s not the first one to be a paid request, but the first one to be called from vb.org in the paid services.

    also, 3.0 is to be redesigned to be like the MTF, so as it’s a paid job, i told the guy i would code that version for him only, and a version for the 3.0

    this is an important addon anyway, giving the ability to any client of iTrader to create new kind of traders… it was illogic to keep it for seller/buyer, with all the marchandises and services available, giving the opportunity to make new types is essential.

    this will be simple though:

    title singular
    title plural

    the two titles are then generated as phrases (i like being fren-glish, we always think phrases)

    there is not much to add after that… 🙂

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