[REQ] Solid Coders for Hacking & Testing purposes

Here on vBEnhancer.com, we are providing a wide range of products for vBulletin, and a lot of these codes need testing on different productions environments… For that purpose, we’re calling for collaboration across the vB community to have the participation of volunteers who are interested to test the codes, hack them for performance and security, and to help adding more features.

We are not providing salary, as the goal is sharing the knowledge. In return instead, we provide access to the codes themselves. Once you’re in the team, you can use any code from a project for your personal usage. I know that most of the coders are interested to have more and more features on their own sites, with the best codes possible, so it’s a good way to have both.

So if you’re interested to join and want to know more about each project we have on the shelf, just contact me with the « Contact Us » form in the footer!

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