Member’s Age in Postbit & Getinfo Profile (automatically calculated from birthday)

Member’s Age in Postbit & Getinfo Profile – by Dr. Erwin Loh

I requested this a while back. Since no one has released a hack like this, I worked out how to do it.

NOTE: This hack automatically shows the age of the person calculated from the birthday entered (it’s not a separate input). If there is no birthdate or birthyear, the age doesn’t show up automatically.

1) Postbit hack

This hack basically places the member’s age underneath his join date (or wherever you want) in the postbit, like this:

Registered: July 2000
Age: 18
Location: USA
Posts: 102

If the member has not entered his birth-year, then the age will NOT show up at all, like this:

Registered: July 2000
Location: USA
Posts: 102

This hack requires 1 file edit (functions.php), and 1 template edit (postbit).

2) Getinfo Profile hack

This adds the member’s age in their profile.

I’ve added this to the installation text file. It’s a matter of editing members.php and the getinfo template.

Member’s Age in Postbit & Getinfo Profile (automatically calculated from birthday) – Forum

Views: 18

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