Contact Us Email Feedback Form (with IP address & status of sender)

Contact Us Email Feedback Form (with IP address) Version 2.3


This hack allows members and guests to email you the administrator using an online email form. This way, you keep your email address hidden from spambots that crawl sites for email addresses.

When members use the form, their name and email address gets automatically inserted. Guests will have to fill out the name and email boxes. If they are not filled, the email will not be sent. Users get to choose from a list of subjects, or they can enter their own email subject if they choose « Other ».

If the member who emails you is Unregistered or Not Logged In, the email will tell you that the Sender is Unregistered or Not Logged In.

If the member who emails you is Registered, then the username and email address of the member on file will be sent to you as well – this way, even if a registered member tries to pretend to be another member or put in a fake address, you will know who the member is.

The email sent to you will have the IP address and if available, the Host Name of the sender, with a link to click that will automatically search the database for members sharing that same IP – good for tracking down people sending you abusive emails using the form.

Example of an email from a Registered Member:

******* Delete this section before replying ********

IP address of sender:
Host name:
Click below to search for members with same IP:…=

Registered Member – Username: Erwin
Email on file:

******* Delete this section before replying ********


Test message here…

– Erwin

Email from a Unregistered User or Member who is Not Logged In:

******* Delete this section before replying ********

IP address of sender:
Host name:
Click below to search for members with same IP:…=

Not Logged In or Unregistered User

******* Delete this section before replying ********


Test message here…

– Erwin

The form is web-based, and the feedback is emailed to you, without ever revealing your admin email address if you want to keep that private.



Easy. There are no file changes, 3 new templates to make, and 2 files to upload.

Create the 3 templates based on the txt files – name the templates after the file names, and copy the content of the txt files into the templates.


Then upload the following files into your forums directory.


Last thing you need to do is to place this link anywhere on your site, or in your contact link field in your vB Admin Options. I have placed mine in the footer template (change it to your forums URL).

Contact Us

And you’re done!


Version 2.0

Added the option for users to choose from a list of subjects. Also fixed a minor title bug. If the option « Other » is chosen, but no title filled out in the optional text box, a blank field error message will be shown.

To upgrade from Version 1.2 – just copy the new « contact.php » and « send.php » over the old files, and replace the « contact » template with the new one.

Feel free to add more email subject titles by modifying the « contact » template.

Version 2.1

Added – IP address and if available, the Host Name of sender in the email sent to you, with a link to search the database for members with the same IP address in the email (in case of people sending you abusive emails using the form)!

Version 2.2

Added – if the sender is a Registered Member the email will contain the username and email on file, regardless of what the sender puts in the fields. If the sender is Not Logged In or Unregistered, the email will let you know.

Version 2.3

Tidied the code up, removed the need for send.php.


– to upgrade from version 1.2 – upload the new contact.php and send.php files, and replace the « contact » template with the new one.

– to upgrade from version 2.0 – upload the new send.php

– to upgrade from version 2.1 – upload the new send.php

– to upgrade from version 2.2 – upload the new contact.php, delete send.php (not needed), replace « contact » template with contact.txt

Contact Us Email Feedback Form (with IP address & status of sender) – Forum

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