Forum Lifespan – phase 1

This tool is at its startup, but may grow with the clients needs.

The main goal of this feature is to identify the new forums date of birth and the old forum’s first post date.

When you first install this product, it will create a new entry in the forum table, and will check for each existing forum’s first post date to be entered in the database. By then, each time you create a new forum, a timestamp will be added. (we can not track the original date of creation of the existing forums, so we use the oldest post/thread created in them to tag these forums)

So with this first version, what you can do is verify the date of creation/birth of each of your forums. This is very useful when you have tons of forums and they are created in different moments.

So if you want to know when forum X was created compared to forum Y, you simply have to hover on its title, like here:


This is a first stage of development for this tool, so maybe the only thing you can do with it is to verify if a forum worth to be kept after X months… but i plan adding some features to it, like global stats to compare the activity of all the forums, but they would not require more database edits than required…

This product is self installed, there is no template edit, and you can deactivate it or uninstall it without breaking anything on your forum.

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