Error Bits

Do you ever dream of having a custom Error 404 page inside vBulletin?

Do you think that you could be more than happy to even offer your visitors the capability to create new error messages for the fun of it?

The error bits is just that.

Error Page for more than just the 404… 400 to 503 errors are managed thru the system, displaying the correct error message and some details if possible.

And in addition, a « citation system » that let your members enter some new funny quote…

We can even add the search box for the entire forum in the footer of the main error page, for easier browsing…

so here is the AdminCP Setting page:


And the adminCP for Managing the quotes from members:


… The Main page of the Error page is here… and you can see a screenshot here:


you can see on this screenshot that the Admin Only have a link to delete the quote, and the Members Only can see the link to Add a new or browse the list…

… To make it installed, there is a .htaccess file to install or edit your existing one, one file to upload and the product file to import.

nexia added 3 minutes and 18 seconds later…

The system comes with no random quote in the database at first. This is to let your members add their own things. But if you want to start with some quotes related to Error 404, i added a bank of 656 quotes from the dead site « »… (with accreditation!)

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